Here are some cheap or reasonably priced items you should have in your home and why.
Tree Tea Oil - This can typically be purchased at any health food store or drug store. It usually comes in a small bottle and lasts quite a long time. There are many uses for tree tea oil but I have come to find that you can use this on small cuts and insect bites. My daughter played outside all summer and one problem we have is that our backyard seems to attract quite a few insects resulting in quite a number of bites on my little girl. A bit of tea tea oil helps.
Tree tea oil can also be used on acne so if you have a pimple anywhere, a dab will help get rid of the pimple quickly.
Another use I found was adding a bit of tree tea oil and distilled water to a small spray bottle. Spray this anywhere you need to freshen up a room. It also kills mold and helps a room smell fresh.
There are a number of other uses you can look up for yourself but those are the most common uses I have found helpful.
Coconut Oil - This is amazing and works for almost anything. You need to use extra virgin, unrefined, cold-pressed, vegan coconut oil. It is reasonably priced. I get a jar for about 9 dollars and it lasts a very long time. After washing my face, I apply this everywhere. It has an anti-bacterial property so it will not bother your acne, it will heal your skin. It helps moisten your skin and keep it looking young.
I also use this on my hair for a deep conditioning, although not often but you can probably use this about once a week. Apply and wait a minimum of 30 minutes. If you can, leave in overnight and be sure to put a towel down over your pillow or just wrap your head in a towel. My only recommendation is that you wash your hair a couple times leaving the shampoo on for a few minutes before rinsing. Coconut oil tends to really stick to your hair and can give it an oily appearance if it's not fully washed out.
I brush my teeth with this as well and it seems to really help my gums especially. I'm not sure if it's true but some claim that it can help the health of your teeth. I do know it helps whiten them. I usually add baking soda to this as well.
I also use coconut oil for oil pulling. I have found this to be the most pleasant oil to use for pulling and I do believe it works. So what is oil pulling? Well, in a nutshell here I will explain this is just a process where you hold oil in your mouth, swish it around for a minimum of five minutes and then spit it out in the toilet. Do not spit into your sink because it may clog the pipe. Oil pulling is said to help with a number of ailments but, I think it helps keep your mouth clean, and this in turn helps with overall health as a unhealthy mouth has been linked to causing other physical problems.
Coconut oil is great for massages as well so use it often and apply liberally. It is absolutely a must for all your skin care needs. One small note: this is a solid at room temperature with a low melting point. Just a bit of heat, like rubbing between your hands, is necessary to turn it into liquid state.
It is no surprise that coconut oil is equally great to consume for many health benefits. A daily dose of a few teaspoons is all that is needed.
Witch Hazel - It seemed that almost anytime I looked something up about skin care, I ran across something that mentioned witch hazel. I decided to give it a try and I have to admit, not only does it work but it's super cheap.
For whatever reason, my skin will often stop responding to any cleanser that I start using on a regular basis. It appears my skin just grows accustomed to the chemicals and stops responding the same way it did initially. Using witch hazel every so often seems to help this problem. For cleaning my face, I use cotton pads and saturate them with witch hazel. I use the first one or two to wipe off all the make-up and dirt and then I follow with another to treat my skin. It is extremely gentle, which was a surprise to me since it's call an astringent - something that made me think of Sea Breeze (which stings). It helps with acne as well. The best part is, it removes the oil without drying out your face.
You can also use this for insect bites and minor cuts. If you have a Dollar Tree nearby you can pick up a 6 oz. bottle for 1 dollar. Perfectly priced.
Olive Oil - Olive oil is great for you to consume but I use it for eye make-up remover. I just place some right around my eyes (of course you don't want to get it in your eyes), and wait about 30 seconds to a minute. I take a water soaked cotton pad and then gently remove the oil and make up off my eyes. It works great; it's cheap; it's easy.
Baking Soda - I use this for almost everything. I love putting this in the kitty liter. It works great when you sprinkle on the carpet before vacuuming. Usually you want to sprinkle it and wait about 30 minutes because it absorbs all the odor.
It's great for cleaning and brushing your teeth.
I've found it to work well in a natural deodorant. I take both coconut oil and tree tea oil and mix with baking soda. I tried using just the coconut oil and tree tea oil before and it didn't do very well but adding baking soda did the trick.
You can also make a paste with baking soda and water to put on your face for a mask. This works well to get rid of blackheads. It also neutralizes the pH on your skin. You can always use baking soda to wash your face but I do recommend rotating between this and something else.
If you need an energy boost, just take a bit of baking soda, maybe a tablespoon, and mix it with a full glass of water, (distilled preferably), and drink. The taste is a bit weird but doing this helps give you energy.
I do not have any medical reports to give you but there are people who make the claim that baking soda can either cure cancer, fight it off, or help your body resist it. In any case, you can do some research for yourself and decide whether it is credible. It's worth a shot to try it. I cannot see that it would do any harm; at worst it would do nothing.
Lemons - Lemons are wonderful to eat. They have anti-oxidants and lots of Vitamin C. If you like to exfoliate your skin, lemons work best. I use a cotton pad and squeeze juice directly from the lemon so the pad can absorb it, then I apply it to my face. The first time you use lemon on your skin, it will sting but leave it on there for about 15 minutes and them remove with water. Your skin will feel fresh, clean, and smooth.
Lemon juice on acne and left over night will help you get rid of your blemish. Do not use lemon juice you purchase at the store, use real lemons and squeeze the juice from them.
I also like to drink water with lemon. This seems to help keep me awake and alert. Doing this can help your body stay in an alkalized state.
You probably already have some of these items around your household so be sure to take advantage of them. The ones you do not have, be sure to pick up at the store next time you go. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.
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